The Lord by wisdom founded the earth;
By understanding He established the heavens.
Prov. 3:19

Part 4 - The Application of Faith

Overview: Sanctified: In the Heavenly Dwelling Place of Christ


Attaining to spiritual life apart from Christ is an impossibility. For this, Jesus Christ is the Way. He has risen to the Father and is seated with Him. Those who rest in the work of Christ have risen with Him and are seated with Christ in the heavenly places. The believer is made alive in the spirit and dwells with Christ in the presence of the Father. Instead of reforming the flesh, God creates in the believer a new nature that is after God's Spirit. By reckoning that one has been delivered into the spiritual realm with Christ, and abiding in Christ through the Spirit, the believer can be fruitful in the sanctified position he has in Christ.

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