The Lord by wisdom founded the earth;
By understanding He established the heavens.
Prov. 3:19

Appendix: The 2300 days of Daniel

The 2300 days of Daniel


The Prophet Daniel wrote of a vision of 2300 days in length. He was told that it would occur at "the time of the end." This was a part of one of five time sequences Daniel was given to show the major events from his time to the coming of the Messiah to reign on the earth. This is a look at those 2300 days and the context they are in.

It is the expectation of Bible-believing Jews that the Messiah will one day physically come to earth as the ruler and King of Israel, and indeed all the earth. The Prophet Isaiah speaks of His reign from the city of Jerusalem, and Scripture speaks of the physical temple that will exist there.

But today there is no standing temple for it was destroyed in A.D. 70. It is the desire of many Jews today, having been restored as the nation of Israel in their land after almost two thousand years, to rebuild the temple and prepare for the coming of the Messiah, as Scripture foretells.

But Scripture also foretells a time of great trial and tribulation for Israel at this end time. It speaks of a rebuilt temple being desecrated and trampled in an act of "abomination" just prior to the coming of the Messiah. Why is this? (Read on)